Improving legumes for Africa

source: Website WUR How can we solve hunger? There is no simple solution to this question. In a ten-year project, N2Africa, Wageningen University & Research focuses on local relevance: matching the best technology to the region. N2Africa, as the name suggests, starts with nitrogen (N2). Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth. Almost […]
Digital Farmer Field School

Story Loes Witteveen All images courtesy of Loes Witteveen The professorship Communication, Participation and Social-Ecological Learning (CoPSEL) of van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (HVHL) has been active for several years in the Enrekang district of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The local government, district offices of agriculture, environment, livestock and disaster management, UNIMEN university and […]
Practors promote research in VET Schools

text: In many VET schools, teacher teams link research to practice in a new concept: practors and practorates. Teacher-researchers (practors) have formed a multi-disciplinary teacher team (practorate). Practors operate as mediators between research and education practice. They entice teachers and students to join a practorate to participate in a research project or reflect on potential reforms […]
Crystal clear opportunities for horticulture in Morocco

text: Marjolein/ Heldergezegd images: Bas van Dijk Horticulture is an international branch of sport. It is therefore important that students gain the necessary experience abroad. Five fourth-year students of the Horticulture & Agribusiness course at Hogeschool InHolland, ‘Green Juniors’, went on a research trip in Morocco. Their assignment: explore the possibilities for InHolland to contribute […]