
Ukraine: Build Back Better

text: Jan Steverink

images: Jan Steverink

What do you do….

.. when your country is invaded by a neighbouring superpower, part of your population has fled to other countries, and your key agricultural infrastructure , production and services were at risk or destroyed?

In Ukraine, UCAB (the Ukrainian Club for Agri-Business) and its agricultural universities decided that this is a time for reflection and to think about the road towards ‘Build Back Better’.
In anticipation of this post-war period, and intentions of the Ukrainian government to become part of  the European Union, Ukraine partners in the agricultural sector want to move forward, facilitating sustainable food production for the European market and meeting its requirements.

Education mission

In the first week of October 2023, a delegation of over 10 Ukrainian educational and business partners visited the Netherlands. The main objective of the study tour was to gain insights in and seek cooperation on the theme of ‘regenerative agriculture’.  The delegation was hosted by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, including the Agricultural Counsellor for Ukraine, and in close cooperation with Groenpact and RVO.

The study tour started with a visit to the Farm of the Future in Lelystad. This included an introduction to the policies of the Dutch government, Groenpact cooperation, innovation initiatives and research, facilitated at the Farm of the Future, supported by the ministry of LNV.

The programme furthermore  included a visit to Warmonderhof / Aeres in Dronten, WUR in Wageningen (Round Table, with participation / contributions of UCAB, Terra Mbo, HAS green academy, the Ukraine agriculture and Food Security Platform, and WUR), a visit to Brightlands Campus (represented by Yuverta and HAS green academy), and to HVHL in Velp and individual farmers.



Further cooperation

Dutch educational institutes presented how they work on education, innovation and practice oriented research on regenerative agriculture, and the way they integrate approaches and results in their curriculum.
The presentations and the consecutive discussions were very inspiring for the Ukrainian visitors and the Dutch hosts. Lots of ideas were brought-up for further cooperation, including plans for online exchanges and guest lectureships on the short term. RVO is requested to provide insight into instruments that are available to facilitate future international cooperation.

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